Our Services

In-office Consultations

Dr. Culotta’s full-body exams take a holistic approach and evaluate all elements of your infant’s development. Working collaboratively with parents and the Austin healthcare community, Dr. Culotta will work to create an individualized treatment plan unique to your child’s health and development.

CO2 Laser Tongue-Tie Releases

We use the gold-standard CO2 laser, the LightScapel, to provide the best results for your infant. Infant tongue-tie releases are an in-office procedure, that often can be completed the same day as your consultation. We apply a dye-free, flavor-free topical anesthetic to prior to treatment, so that your child have zero to minimal discomfort.

Post-op care

The care provided before and after your infant’s Tongue-Tie Release is what elevates Latched Beginnings in the Texas area. Our goal is to change the health-care model by providing support when you and your infant need it. Your infant will be seen in the days after the procedure with Dr. Kacie Culotta.

Team Approach to Infant Full Body Wellness

We believe a healthy infant grows into a health adult. We want to ensure your baby is set on a path to long-term wellness, beginning with a healthy airway, free of oral dysfunction.

Each baby is unique. Many need only lactation support and/or a tongue-tie release, while others need the support of additional professionals. We work together so your infant has the care they need. Our team approach includes referrals to Lactation Specialists, Pediatricians, Infant Bodyworkers, Doulas, OB/GYNs, Midwives, Chiropractors, Speech Language Therapy, Physical Therapy and Myofascial Therapists.